17th July 2006
"Lugarno Lights" Man Installs School Zone Flashing Lights

Peter Olsen, the man behind the "Lugarno Lights" Christmas Lights display, recently announced a planned trial of school zone flashing lights. His stated aim was to develop a system that was simple and cheap enough to be paid for and installed by individual schools without the need for government involvement.

The trial was initially held up by delays with the importation of the LED-based lights that he planned to use, but is now under way. Mr Olsen has installed flashing lights at his own expense each side of four schools in his local area: - Lugarno Public School on Old Forest Rd, Lugarno; - Peakhurst Public School on Bonds Rd, Peakhurst; - Peakhurst High School on Isaac St, Peakhurst; - James Cook High School on the Princes Highway, Kogarah (speed camera site).

A total of 9 sets of lights were installed over the weekend and commenced operation at 8am this morning, 17th July, to coincide with the start of the new school term.

"The standard system costs $200 per sign," Mr Olsen said "compared with the government's quoted $12,000 cost, yet they perform exactly the same function. I also installed one solar powered system to demonstrate that option as well. It cost $600"

"The Government claims to have earmarked $300M for school zone flashing lights. If a simple system like this is adopted it needn't cost taxpayers a cent, because each school can organise and pay for the lights themselves. There would also be no need for the distracting advertising that the Government is considering using to help pay for its system.

"The lights can also be installed at all schools," Mr Olsen said, "unlike the government's proposal which is only to install the lights on a "needs basis", according to the media release issued by the Minister for Roads on 21st May 2006.

"I have no commercial interest in the project and will supply full details of the system free of charge to any school that is interested. The Lions Club has also offered to assist with installations.

"I will be inviting the Minister for Roads to come out and inspect the lights. I would also like to challenge the RTA to compare the accuracy and reliability of my $200 lights with their $12,000 lights and publish the results. After all it is taxpayers who would be funding their lights so they are entitled to know if they are getting value for money".

When asked if he was concerned about the RTA ordering him to remove his lights again, Mr Olsen replied: "Not at all. If they do I will simply move them 2m sideways and install them on private property. You can also imagine what would happen if they made me remove the lights and the following week a child was hit and killed by a car at one of those schools. The government does not need any more Sophie Delezios."

For more information contact:
Peter Olsen
9012-5298 BH
9153-8404 AH