19th July 2006
RTA Strikes School Zone Lights Again
The RTA struck again yesterday afternoon at Lugarno Public School. Even though the lights were no longer on their property, but were mounted on a pole above the RTA sign on land owned by Hurstville Council, the RTA tore them down again. They will be going back up, this time completely on private property. They will also be going up on private property at all other schools in the area when I get the chance.
The only reason given by the Roads Minister and RTA for removing the lights has been because "they might be unreliable" and if they stop working then "drivers will become confused". So rather than monitoring my lights to see if they are reliable,they prefer instead to spend $300M of taxpayers money on "scientifically tested" (read overpriced) lights.
Peter Debenham, the Opposition leader will be coming out on Friday 21st July to inspect the lights.
For more information:
Peter Olsen