16 January 2007
RTA 40kmh School Lights Trial

For the past 3 years the RTA has been conducting a trial of school zone flashing lights. On 21st May 2006 the Roads Minister issued a press release announcing the roll-out of new school zone flashing lights.On p.1 of the press release the following was stated:

"This is not a trial, this technology will roll out across the State on a needs basis, based on expert advice and safety criteria."

It was subsequently stated that 100 sets would be installed this year.

Seems the Minister made a mistake and this is in fact just another trial!

I rang the RTA and was put onto a Mr Kim Lennox (not sure of surname spelling). I said I was wanting information on the cost of the current installations and technical details etc. He said:

- All 100 installations have been completed. (I asked for details of the locations which he said he would email me.)
- No costings yet since it is only a trial!
- The previous (3-year) trial showed that the equipment used then was unreliable, hence the need for another trial.
- Expressions of interest were called for.
- Seven finalists were selected at the end of August.
- This trial is using newer, more reliable equipment.
- They all have back-to-base monitoring of some sort.
- They are supposed to have +/- one second accuracy.
- The lights are being trialled to gauge:
- Behaviour of motorists
- Reaction of the community
- Reliability of the equipment
- Legal implications.
(I thought that was the purpose of the previous 3 year trial???)
- They are waiting for a court case to test the common law legal issues.
- Once this trial is over they will select who will do the lights. Only then will the costings be known.

For more information contact:
Peter Olsen
9012-5298 BH
9153-8404 AH