16 February 2007
From the School Zone Santa

I drove through Blakehurst on my way to do a small job in Narwee this morning and I noticed that the same flashing light outside the Crystal car wash wasn't working again, yet it 8.35 am on a gazetted school day.

I chatted with a friendly chap there, who also had a camera and we both saw the light come back to life, just before nine am.

Another well dressed man arrived and took a picture of the now flashing light with a camera phone. I asked him if he too was interested in the lights? (obviously a silly question on my part)) He backed away as if I was covered in anthrax spores, saying that he knew who I was and he didn't want to talk to me.

If he also reads this website, please tell me and the other readers what I have done or said, that you find so offensive. Just click on the comment button on the schoolzonesanta web site and give a reason(s) for your reluctance to talk to me and I'll post it/them as I did with Simon's feed back.

We all want the same, school zones that work for children and for motorists,.............. don't we?

Around 10.30 am or so I again was passing the same site and there were a bunch of men working on the footings for the other yard arm sort of flashing light unit.

"Can I help you?" I was asked.
I said that this light (pointing to the one above our heads) was off again this morning.
"Yes he said someone has been tripping a switch here, and at a couple of other locations"
" You mean from town" I asked,knowing about the handy back to base feature.
" No from here" he said.
"You mean sabotage? I asked "using a ladder?"
"Yes" he replied
"How does that explain why this light came back on this morning at 8.55 wihout a ladder in sight?"
He then went all shy, and didn't contribute anything more.

Is sabotage the excuse that is being used to explain why the lights have failed after only 2-3 weeks. It would have nothing to do with faulty equipment would it?

I for one don't see the need to climb a ladder to make the lights look bad, as they are doing a pretty good job of that themselves.

Are there other saboteurs interfering with any of the other lights across the state or is it in just this area?

Hans Stephens