11 September 2007
Beverly Hills Speed Camera a Criminal Rip-off
The newly installed speed camera in the 40kmh zone heading south on King Georges Rd Beverly Hills is a blatant revenue-raising rip-off which has nothing to do with road safety.
An article in the St George and Sutherland Shire Leader last Thursday and also a segment on Channel 7 pointed out that the camera started operating before proper signage went up, catching many motorists who entered King Georges Rd from side streets in the area that had no 40kmh signs at all.
There are 3 other problems however that demonstrate that the camera is purely for revenue raising and has nothing to do with road safety:
1. There are three sets of traffic lights between the flashing 40kmh warning sign and the speed camera. How are motorists supposed to remember the flashing warning lights after stopping at 3 sets of traffic lights? I note that that problem exists at most other school zone speed camera sites at well. (eg. Princes Highway Kogarah, Forest Rd Penshurst.)
2. The 40kmh zone is around 1km long for no valid reason. There is a school at one end of the Beverly Hills shopping centre and another at the other end. They have made the entire shopping centre a 40kmh zone and the camera has been placed in the middle of the shopping centre. It thus catches motorists who are speeding nowhere near a school.
3. The camera is at the bottom of a long hill.
1. Only have the 40kmh zone near the schools, not for the entire length of the shopping centre.
2. Install flashing warning lights on the 40kmh sign near Edgbaston Rd. I'll pay the $350 cost for them to install a set of my lights if the RTA can't afford the $36,000 for theirs.
For more details see Hans Stephens web site at
For more information contact:
Peter Olsen
13/55 The Grand Pde
Brighton-le-Sands 2216
9012-5298 bh
9599-1811 ah