27 September 2007
School Zone Lights - Price Up, Reliability Down
In a media release dated 21st May 2006 the Roads Minister Eric Roozendaal stated that the school zone flashing lights used in the previous 3-year trial (costing $12,000 each) were not reliable enough. Quote: "We need to put in place better and more effective technology... The operational performance of flashing light units was considered to be poor... On average each site recorded two faults in the 18 month period."
There are 303 school days in 18 months. Two faults during that period equates to 99.3% reliability.
In the media release dated 26th September 2007 announcing the rollout of lights costing $58,000 each, Mr Roozendaal stated: "The electronic warning systems used in the (second) trial achieved a 98.2% reliability rating."
In other words the government intends to spend 5 times as much on lights that are less reliable than the lights used in the original 3-year trial.
(Only one type of flashing lights achieved 100% reliability during the 12-week evaluation period - the ones that cost $350 each...)
For more information contact:
Peter Olsen
13/55 The Grand Pde
Brighton-le-Sands 2216
9012-5298 bh
9599-1811 ah