21 May 2008
Beverly Hills Speed Camera Case the Tip of the Iceberg
The recent dismissal by a Magistrate of a Beverly Hills speed camera fine, potentially to be followed by the overturning of 30,000 other fines, is just the tip of the iceberg. There is a much bigger problem with many speed cameras that will one day result in the overturning of hundreds of thousands of fines.
The problem is where there is a set of traffic lights between the 40kmh sign and the speed camera, and no 40kmh sign after the lights. The perfect example is the Government's most profitable speed camera site (prior to Beverly Hills) on the Princes Highway at Kogarah. Drivers heading north on Rocky Point Rd or Princes Highway pass their respective 40kmh signs then come to the traffic lights where the two roads meet. Between the lights and the camera there is no subsequent 40kmh sign. Naturally after sitting for 2-3 minutes at a red light many otherwise careful drivers forget about the 40kmh sign and get booked. The same situation exists at numerous other speed camera sites.
It is only a matter of time before a court decides that it is not merely an oversight on the part of the RTA and Government, but is a deliberate ploy to increase revenue at the expense of child safety. When that happens justice will prevail and thousands of honest drivers will have their unfair fines and lost points refunded.
A similar situation exists at Beverly Hills and other camera sites in relation to the 40kmh flashing lights. Heading South on King Georges Rd there are three sets of traffic lights between the flashing lights and the speed camera to help drivers forget about the flashing lights. In that case there are subsequent static 40kmh signs, but they are easily missed when driving in three lanes of busy traffic.
In situations like that there should be an extra set of flashing lights after the last set of traffic lights and before the camera, as various people including myself and Hans Stephens, the School Zone Santa, have been pointing out for some time. They have not been installed because at $58,000 per sign, which the RTA is currently paying, it is unaffordable. Naturally if the RTA adopted the technology that they have successfully trialled at Peakhurst and Lugarno for the past 18 months, they could afford to install such lights. That technology costs less than $1,000 per sign and has been given to the RTA to use for nothing.
If child safety is the main priority of the RTA and Government they will install such lights. If revenue raising is their main priority they will not. Only time will tell where their priority lies.
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For more information contact:
Peter Olsen
13/55 The Grand Pde
Brighton-le-Sands 2216
9012-5298 bh
9599-1811 ah